Personal Gardens
Personal Gardens - BRUYERE Personal Gardens - BRUYERE
Personal Gardens - SMIRLE Personal Gardens - SMIRLE
Vistors Gardens
Vistors Gardens - PHILLIPS Vistors Gardens - PHILLIPS
Friends Gardens
Friends Gardens - NANCY Friends Gardens - NANCY
Friends Gardens - JAN Friends Gardens - JAN
Friends Gardens - JAN and BERNIE Friends Gardens - JAN and BERNIE

ODYSSEY Garden Tour
Sights Unseen is an annual fundraising event by the supporters of Odyssey Theatre, an Ottawa-based outdoor theatre company. It features Comedia del arte, comic theatre with masks, appealing to adults and children alike. The 1999 Gardens, located in west/central Ottawa, were chosen by the members of the Board of Trustees. Northern Pond was pleased to be one of the 15 Gardens on the Tour!

BOWERSGARDEN.jpg - 3023 Bytes bowers garden DURANDGARDEN.jpg - 3827 Bytes Durand Garden HENRIEGARDEN.jpg - 3579 Bytes Henrie's Garden
KNOWLESGARDEN.jpg - 3023 Bytes Knowles Garden PASIEKAGARDEN.jpg - 3827 Bytes Pasieka Garden PATERSON1GARDEN.jpg The Paterson Garden I
PATERSON2GARDEN.jpg - 3023 Bytes Paterson Garden II PATRYGARDEN.jpg - 3827 Bytes Patry Garden REYNOLDSGARDEN.jpg - 3579 Bytes Reynolds Garden
RAMSEYHOSKINGGARDEN.jpg - 3023 Bytes Ramsey Hosking Garden SPRAGGEGARDEN.jpg - 3827 Bytes Spragge Garden TWEDDLEGARDEN.jpg - 3579 Bytes Annie's Garden
WHITEHEADGARDEN.jpg - 3023 Bytes Whitehead Garden RUTHERFORDMAINPRIZEGARDEN.jpg - 3827 Bytes Rutherford Mainprize Garden ZOUBEKGARDEN.jpg - 3579 Bytes Zoubek Garden

Bruyere Garden | Smirle Garden | Nancy's Garden | Jan's Garden |Jan & Bernie's Garden | Phillip's Garden
Bowers Garden | Durand Garden| Henrie Garden| Knowles Garden| Paseka Garden | Paterson I Garden
Paterson II Garden| Patry Garden| Reynolds Garden | Ramsey-Hosking Garden | Spragge Garden
Tweddle Garden | Whitehead Garden | Rutherford-Mainprize Garden| Zoubek Garden